Monday 2 February 2009

Road warning sign from Oamaru...

You don't get many of these in Old London Town.

Moeraki, place of large balls

There is a complex geological reason why these strange spherical rock balls emerge from the cliff-side in Moeraki, roll onto the beach, then slowly crumble like honeycomb into the ocean. However I never did look it up. The boulders were too large to pinch as souvenirs, so Emma had to make do with some beautiful shells from the sands instead.

Milford Sound

Milford Sound is actually a fiord, it's a huge opening from the Tasman Sea that comes in between staggeringly large mountains. It's one of the UNESCO world heritage sites, along with cool towns like Carcassone in France. We took a coach from Te Anau, where we saw some great glowworm caves, along to the Sound, and took a cruise all the way out to the sea and back. On the way out the tops of the mountains were misty, and when we started to come back in from the sea the sky cleared and sunlight opened up the route back. It was stunning. On the first picture, look at the small white dot at the foot of the mountain side bursting from the water to give you an idea of the scale of this place... that's a massive ferry! The second picture is called The Lion Rock, and the third is one of many waterfalls that cascade down the mountainsides along the Sound, this one called the Bridal Veil waterfall. Emma particularly enjoyed the cruise because she got to drive the boat at one point (luckily we survived that one, I don't know what the captain was thinking). We also went into one of the waterfalls, so just for the fun of it we stood on the foredeck of the craft and let the waterfall gush over us. It was so powerful that you couldn't actually open your eyes for the spray when you got within ten feet. It was a spectacular day!